How Does It Work?
AskAwayHealth is a free online health resource that provides health information that is specific to your (or your family's) needs in an interactive and negotiated fashion.
We understand that our health is our most important asset and that when our health fails it can bring uncertainty and stress to us, our families and friends. Our aim is to be able to support you when you need help in improving your health and that of family and friends in a way that is simple, easy, dynamic and suits your context; accessible on multiple platforms through your phone, notebook, tablet, laptop or desktop.
We provide advise on a wide range of health and health care needs including lifestyle and how the social environment impact health.
We help to explain to you in simple and compassionate ways, otherwise complex symptoms and signs about your health and provide encouragement and support working with a network of health care providers on investigations and possible diagnoses; preferred management; medications and side effects; and how to imrpove your health and life outcome.
Getting across to us is very easy!
@AskAwayHealth or on Instagram: askawayhealth.
You can access our simple health resources and information this way. You can get instant access to some enquiries by sending us a twitter Direct Message (DM).
Use our Form to request for detailed advise on a health care situation.
We can respond via e-mail or, if you prefer, engage in a telephone/online conversation.
Following this, we can send you a free summary report of our advise and suggestions for your care which can be used to guide your management with your own health care practitioner at a face to face consultation.
You are the main stakeholder in your health care needs and having the right information empowers and enables you to negotiate the best health care outcomes as you encounter your health care provider.
If you'd like a 'one-on-one' meet with one of our health care providers, this can be arranged with one of our validated consultants near you where possible or via a teleconsultation session to discuss in more detail.
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