4 tips to manage your Blood Pressure after Diagnosis
Hello again!
It was World Hypertension Day last week, an important day to promote awareness of Hypertension and the progress made so far to manage the disease.
The importance of dealing with Hypertension cannot be overemphasised.
Generally, we can't 'feel' elevated blood pressure (hypertension) - though some people do have headaches or feel 'somehow' when their blood pressure is elevated.
Many times, the diagnosis is incidental - that is, we were busy looking for something else and discovered hypertension; or it was found on a routine check.
The day after #Worldhypertensionday, I consulted with a young man - aged in his early 40's - of Caribbean background who had been admitted weeks before for a severe headache.
His admission BP was 210/135 mmhg.
This was very high and as such he spent a couple of days in hospital having some blood tests done and receiving treatment to reduce the Blood Pressure.
A normal blood pressure is considered to be any figure between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.
On discharge, he was asked to book in an appointment with his local (community) doctor for follow up. He appeared to us 2 weeks after.
He had not taken his medications for over a week as he had run out.
When asked to share his experience about his admission and why he had not sought for more of his drugs ; he declared he wasn't really hypertensive and it was all down to stress.
Reasons for not engaging with his condition and treatment - he didn't appreciate why he had to continue taking the drugs; he had a lot to do as the main breadwinner in his family and a recent bereavement was causing some additional emotional upset.
So we spent some time chatting about hypertension, his treatment and going forward.
It is agreed that sometimes stress (likely from its impact on rest and sleep) could be associated with high blood pressure.
But regardless of cause, it is important that once identified, it is managed appropriately.
The following 4 tips can help or remind you what things are important in taking charge of your health care in respect to controlling Hypertension.
1. Accept the diagnosis.
Hypertension is one of those conditions that wilful ignorance has a bad effect on.
If you don’t believe the first clinician who gives a diagnosis, get a second opinion; or a third. But don’t waste time doing so.
And don’t ignore it.
This is because while the BP is high and untreated, damage is slowly and progressively happening to your eyes, kidneys heart and other organs.
The effects of these may take years to show.
2. Learn about your medicines.
Identify what tablets you are taking and just have a rough idea why you are taking them.
Some people may need one tablet and others 2 or 3 to control the BP.
You don’t need a complex explanation unless you want one - but when you are clear on why you are taking the tablets and what happens if you don’t you’ll more likely stick to them.
Also side effects are a significant issue.
One of the many reasons we stop a medicine is if it tastes nasty or does something else unpleasant.
This may happen with your antihypertensive drugs - many medications do have undesirable side effects which may vary from one person to another.
Don’t just stop taking them - speak to your doctor about a replacement.
3. Regular follow up.
This is so important : it confirms the medicines are doing their job controlling the BP; and if they are not, changed to alternatives.
It also checks - by examination or arranging blood tests, electrocardiogram, X-ray etc when indicated the health of the body's organs.
In the first few months after diagnosis, monthly review till the BP is stable and side effect issues are settled is appropriate, then 2 -3 monthly depending on whether other conditions are present, followed by 6-monthly reviews and finally yearly reviews once you and your doctor are satisfied with control.
4. Lifestyle.
Some people don’t like medication and it is true sometimes BP settles with change in diet, stopping alcohol and smoking, weight loss etc.
Whether or not you need medication , a healthier lifestyle will help keep your BP controlled. It may be useful to subscribe to a wellness blog like ours to receive tips on staying healthy
Doing all of these helps keep you in control and increases your chance of staying out of the hospital with complications from poor BP control.
I hope this information helps this situation.
Let me know if I can answer any specific issues about managing your BP.
Stay well.
Editing by AskAwayHealth Team Disclaimer All AskAwayHealth articles are written by practising Medical Practitioners on a wide range of health care conditions to provide evidence based guidance and to help promote quality health care. The advice in our material is not meant to replace management of your specific condition by a qualified health care practitioner. To discuss your condition, please contact a health practitioner or reach us directly through info@askawayhealth.org